MS N°3 Molasse Catcher

MS N°3 Molasse Catcher

See all products of the brand MS MaShisha

Hookah glass molasse catcher

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25,00 € VAT incl.

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The molasse catcher's goal is to collect all impurities that might fall down and obstruct the stem and base of your hookah. The molasse catcher must be placed at the bottom of the bowl. It acts as a filter collecting residues and only letting smoke through.


The MS N°3 molasse catcher is a small laboratory grade glass catcher. This cylinder shape catcher will fit any hookah equipped with an 18.8 "female" output.



If you have liquid inside your molasse catcher, to compact the airflow, don't draw too hard on it, but prefer a continuous and smooth draw! A too strong puff and you're taking the risk of making the water come up the tank and drop into the stem.



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