The Hooky Basic is the most famous of the pocket vaporizers dedicated to shisha smokers. Elegant, refined, the Hooky Basic sports a minimalist look that hides exceptional performance.
Practical and inexpensive, the Hooky Basic offers dense vapor while taking up minimal space. Easy to transport and slip into a bag, the Hooky will follow you everywhere while being discreet!
The Hooky Basic will indeed allow you to find wherever you go the flavors of apple, peach or grape, which you like so much when you smoke shisha. Thanks to its vaporization system composed of an exclusive tank and atomizer, the Hooky delivers a cold and abundant vapor of the most pleasant.
The mouthpiece (drip tip) of the Hooky Basic has been equipped with an additional Air hole to facilitate suction and offer a higher air flow than traditional electronic cigarettes.
The Hooky has a 900 Mah battery which is about 800 tasty puffs. The USB charger is provided to you. The candle (atomizer) should be changed approximately every 3 weeks with frequent use.
Sure about the quality of its product, the Hooky brand offers a 1-year manufacturer's warranty on the product. As an official Hooky reseller, the Darnashop invoice serves as a warranty card.
- Hooky Basic Pack
- One head 3ml (reservoir)
- A Hooky Drip Tip
- A USB charger
- A user guide
In order to avoid any leakage of liquid, it is best to always store your Hooky Basic in an upright position. Avoid storing it horizontally!