The Allkimia fireplace is a phunnel type terracotta fireplace. Equipped with a raised central hole, the Alkimia fireplace is compatible with all brohood, Volkan, badcha etc...
The particularity of the Alkimia hearth lies in its central hole which makes it compatible with the Ice Frutz, unlike the traditional Brohood hearth. Thanks to the Alkimia fireplace, the gel will not be able to flow into the shisha during the vaporization phase, and the air flow will never be blocked, allowing you to obtain abundant smoke.
With its small diameter, the Alkimia bowl will also be ideal for enjoying Ice Frutz with self-igniting charcoal and aluminum foil. Three Kings charcoal smokers will be able to enjoy the flavor of the Ice Frutz gel!
The ideal fireplace for smoking ice frutz with a Brohood type chimney!