Mini paquet de Fresh Coco SUPREME

Mini paquet de Fresh Coco SUPREME


See all products of the brand Fresh Coco

Heat management system charcoal. Box of 72 coals

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2,50 € VAT incl.

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Fresh Coco coals are made from coconut bark. They are different from other natural coals by their circle shape, which has been specifically studied to fit into heat management systems.


Fresh Coco coals are 3 triangles which form a circle. This shape fills completely your heat management system such as Kaloud Lotus, Oduman Ignis, Amy Hot Cut, or even WG2. The three Fresh Coco also work with "chimney" grids such as Volkan or Hotscreen heat management systems. 


Each box contains 72 coals.


As all natural coals, it is essential to have a charcoal heater (electric or gas). You won't be able to light it with a simple lighter!


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